Frequently asked questions
Here to Help
Have a look at our FAQs and find out answers to the questions that may be on your mind. If there is something that we might not have covered, please get in touch with us at your convenience

Do I need any former martial arts experience?
No former martial arts experience is necessary for you or your child to join our sessions.

Do I need any special equipment or uniform to start training?
No. Any comfortable clothing such as a loose fitting T shirt and tracksuit bottoms or shorts are ideal to start training.

What would a typical training session encompass?
We always do a gentle warm up and stretch followed by some basic techniques. There will then be work on the forms or kata which contain the self defence techniques included in the art. We also train in pairs so we can practice the techniques on a rteal person without fear of injury. The techniques we teach include using pressure points to make the techniques more effective. Contrary to popular belief striking only forms a small part of classical karate which is also rich in the techniques against many types of grabs, strangles, bear hugs and pushes. Our art therefore contains grappling, joint locks, throws and groundwork as well as karate's traditional striking techniques for which it is well known.

Do I need a high level of fitness to begin training?
No. The type of martial arts we teach can be as physically demanding as you wish or as gentle as you wish. Even if you have a very low level of fitness you will be able to take part and benefit from the physical aspects of the art.

Are martial arts a good form of exercise?
We believe that martial arts are an excellent way to become or stay fit, particularly into older age. It is notable that almost all the Karate masters lived to very long ages in times when average life expectancy around the world was much shorter than it is today. Our sessions include stretching, cardio and strength training so are very all round. The Kata are like moving mediation and are likely to have excellent mental health benefits as well as physical benefits.

What is the atmosphere at the club like?
We are a family oriented club. We have a strong junior section and the club has produced over 10 black belts who first started training at Doushikai. Our instructors are always conscious that we are teaching a combat art and we take utmost care to ensure that our students are training in a friendly and safe environment.
As we are a not-for-profit we also have a high ratio of instructors to students compared to many martial arts clubs and our instructors teach for pleasure. Our instructors are all experienced Black Belt martial artists and are DBS checked and first aid trained.
Many parents stay for the junior sessions to watch their children train and chat to the other parents. We welcome this and provide free tea and coffee.
How much does it cost?
We offer 4 free classes for prospective students to experience our club without any cost. Thereafter, our fees are currently £20 per month. This includes the costs of all gradings and belts (unlike other clubs). The fee for additional children from the same family is £10 month. Parents of our students are also welcome to train for free (we have a number of parents how having watched their children train have decided they would like to do so themselves).
Our fees are set to cover the cost of hiring the training all, providing belts, club insurance, and purchasing training equipment.
In addition to our fees an annual membership to the British Combat Karate Association (BCKA) is required. The BCKA is the regulatory association to which we belong and approves our instructors, the material we teach and provides our club insurance. The annual fee is £16 for seniors/£13 for juniors (under 15).